
A quick overview of the rules


To play PUNDIT each team moves a token around the playing board, which approximately resembles a computer keyboard. The keyboard letters are colour-coded into 3 categories corresponding to different categories of puns. One member reads the colour-coded pun card and if his team members guess the pun correctly they keep the corresponding letter tile, ultimately making their own words with the collected letter tiles. Once this is accomplished the race is on through harder categories, where the team must invent their own puns,  and finally to the ESCAPE  (win) key.


Some examples of the puns to guess are:

ü       The carpenter spotted his cutting tool.

ü       The limousine driver took us to the show for free.

ü       Changing the flat on her bicycle will wear her out.            


 click on "answers" below to find the solutions to theses puns.. 



The final and hardest task is to make a series of puns from the team’s theme word, devised from the collected letters, for example:


v      “We’re leaning towards doctoring our sentences here, to have everyone in stitches, after feeling a surge on puns we should nurse our wounds and try to collect our ideas in an orderly fashion…”



What is the one word pun in the painful paragraph above...? hint below..

A fair amount of license in punning is allowed, and in fact necessary, making the game jovial and sometimes really silly. At the same time the strategy of progress around the board maintains an exciting degree of competitiveness and teamwork.


click here for first aid in solving the pun above..

Can you make a pun based on your own first name?

Try some of these....
He's only worth a shilling.
I lean out of the window to see this lady.
She's not the marryn' type.
He likes the toilet!!


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